I hope everyone has been keeping busy outside with this non-winter like weather we are having at the moment! I am all about the 60 in January and the 64 in February, it's like a little chunk of Florida moved north! I'm all about global climate reorganization. I happen to like the mountains covered in snow, I just want to see them from 2 miles away where it is 70 degrees! And yes, I do want my cake and to eat it too!
The last few weeks have been a bit intense. All the babies headed out for their first XC schools- which you would never have known from the way they acted! They loved it! Ramble went to Full Gallop the first week of February as well. He was super on the flat, tried very hard in the SJ, and had a great XC round- he is a little stallion xc machine, batteries not included! Cookies are his re-energizer.
Last Saturday all the babies- Irish, Nic, Aly, and Africa- went to TTC for their first show! Aly and Africa did the combined test, they scored a 31 and 29 on the flat and jumped super. Not a bad way to start out their little careers I'd say! Nic and Irish just went along to do a jumper show class; both of them were quite good as well; Nic is still trying to do some weight lifting so he can actually carry that big ol' body of his around! We need to get him a personal trainer- oh wait, I think that's supposed to be me! Cut off shirts don't look good on me though. Bummer.
Most recently, Irish went to Full Gallop last week to do the novice. She was actually quite good- we had an unfortunate shoe pulling in front of a fence that didn't work out so well for jumping the fence the first time....but she was super every where else- I am trying very hard to ride her like I would want her to go if she ends up going advanced. No reason to have to retrain them later---so Irish leaps into the water.... jump or no jump!
This week Aly, Africa, and Nic are all heading to their very first event on Saturday at Hillcrest Farm. They are just so excited, they are squealing! Squeals of excitement ....anger....one in the same I'd say. Irish is also bumming a ride so she can go do the training. It will be a great place for everyone to do their first real events/real events back. Irish is looking forward to being the experienced one of the bunch! She will probably tell all the babies to do bad things so that 1- she gets more treats, 2- people tell her how great she is compared to everyone else, and 3-so she can watch me nearly falling off out the trailer door when she has finished her day (Hillary is for entertainment purposes only1)!
While all these fun, happy things have been happening there has been a major upset to my plans and my daily routine. Tess has managed to break herself yet again! It really is quite impressive, we should be the world record holders at this point. So, in true redneck fashion, Tess will become barefoot and pregnant real soon ya'll, real soon. She is actually quite sad not to be getting the attention- however, her stall rest seems to have made up for her lack of normal attention, so she is quite happy to sit there with a full hay net and clean stall all day and night! She sleeps more than any horse I have ever seen- she will have shavings in her ears, up her nose, and covering her ENTIRE body several times each day...I"m waiting for the snoring to start!
I will update everyone after the big debut this weekend, and after Irish and Nic head to Jumping Branch Farm for another unrecognized event the following weekend. Busy times for all of us here, except for Tess....little does she know what is to come....
Hope all is well.
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