I do not even know where to start, so many things to tell! The beginning of May started off well with me heading to the Kentucky Derby, my grandparents horse (Toby's Corner) had to withdraw on Tuesday, but everything was paid for and there is no getting your money back with those people (!!!) so off we headed. It was a good time, I hadn't seen most of my family since Christmas, so it was nice to see everyone. We got hang out on the backside some, which is very cool. Some of those horses look far to young to be doing anything, much less zooming around; but others just seem belong no where else, they are doing what they were meant to do. The experience was still great because Toby's trainer, Graham Motion, still won the Derby with Animal Kingdom who proved himself to be one hell of a horse.
After I got back from the Derby, the whirlwind of life resumed. The following weekend was the Loch Moy unrecognized event. Most exciting was Clif's return to shows! He did the prelim combined test and the training XC to get a good school in...or to get some of the wildness out....there was a bit more than I expected to get out!! (so much so that I'm still trying to get rid of it!) He was very good for the most part, his dressage was a bit fresh, but I'd rather that than dull. His show jumping was lovely and his XC was simple and relaxed, a good way to start his season off. Irish also did her 2nd novice (YAY!), and how adorable she is!! She was 2nd after dressage with a 31, not to shabby for a 4 year old in her 4th outing ever. She was super in SJ, we had a bit of an unbalanced turn which gave her an unlucky rail. Overall, I have nothing bad to say. She has the best attitude about everything and loves showing. I also rode the very cute Stylish Talker aka Dolly. Dolly did her 2nd training level event where she had a solid dressage test and her first double clear SJ round, and as usual she was super on the XC--she absolutely loves XC, it's fun to have a horse that just takes you around whether you want to go or not! A new show ride for me was Winston, Winston is quite a large individual, but it just makes me love him more! He had a good dressage test, good SJ and a fun XC, he is a blast XC, I enjoy it every time.
(Irish spent most of her time @ Virginia HT with her head in my laundry bag)

The following weekend was Virginia HT--Dolly, Clif, Keys and Irish went along. Dolly did her first overnight show doing the training, Keys was doing her first preliminary, Irish doing her first overnight as well in the novice and Clif decided to hang out and do the training since he was not too fit! Dolly and I had an educational weekend, she was good for her dressage, great XC and very nervous for SJ in the indoor--educational for both of us...we need to breathe! Keys was awesome for her first prelim! She scored a 33 on the flat-a best for us thus far; had a fabulous first prelim XC, just missing the optimum time and had a good SJ with an unfortunate two rails, for some reason it was jumping very spooky! Irish was perfect as usual- she got a bit nervous for her dressage, but was obedient none the less. Her show jumping was super, she loved the indoor and the crowd, she found it interesting and challenging, which she loves. She was also great XC, she was very green to start but grew up around the entire course, I was very proud of her. Clif was an absolute wild man the entire weekend. I nearly came off in the dressage warm up due a few antics and squealing, but he settled to be quite lovely- my reins got a bit long and my upper body a bit forward, otherwise he probably would have scored a bit better. His SJ was again, wild- it was good to get some of the rust off. Xc was the same way, he had a great time pulling me around the training! Overall, it was a productive weekend for every horse and for me, I am lucky to ride so many good horses.

(She is so simple and straight forward to ride,
she gives Clif a run for his money as to who is the favorite!)
June has also been very busy. Rubicon horse trials proved itself to be quite interesting! Clif had a silly stop on the XC, but had his best dressage test to date...so good in fact that I forgot to halt because I was so excited about his trot! Irish was great, she did get a stop that she did not actually really have so that was annoying, but she was great. Winston was a champ, as always, I think I probably smile the most when I ride that horse! Dolly went last on Sunday. She had a very good dressage, she relaxed for the first time ever really in a test...monumental day! She had a fabulous SJ round as well, being double clean. On XC I was not feeling to great...I just cannot deal the heat properly..so annoying! She went around pretty well, but I was having a hard time getting her head up...not a problem until you come to a ditch! She had a spook at the ditch and flinging of the head that resulted in a very nice smashing of my face, I decided not to continue because I was a bit nervous about the fact that I was having trouble focusing and that there was a good bit of blood....nice!
After Rubicon it was on to Seneca Horse Trials. Clif and I had a glance off at angled ramps, which was just a bit ridiculous; but if you don't make mistakes you can't know not to make them again! I was actually happy with him in hindsight, he was much better on XC than Rubicon and that really is all that you can ask of them. Dolly also went that day, and she was awesome. She had a great dressage test, a very good SJ that was totally lacking in the leg department on my behalf, and she returned to her little XC machine self! Very fun to ride! Winston went in the Novice on Sunday, where he as usual was awesome...if you can't tell I really enjoy riding this horse, it's fun to be able to relax one every now and then. I also got to ride Shoe again, as Sharon decided to take the day for some recovery from the heat. He was great, he's so much more grown up than the last time I rode him---and he's gathering himself quite the fan club.
Well, I think that catches everyone up! Enjoy the last bit of June!!
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