Irish's First Water Experience!
Irish is doing well, but why should that surprise you!? She is a fantastic little horse and I am sincerely sad about the thought of selling her! She is incredibly smart, very athletic and completely adorable....can't get much better than that! She is starting to be really balance herself at the canter and not think jumping is a time for being wild. She LOVES to jump, she's a little jumping bean. She jumped with two prelim horses last week, where she continued to show off just how clever she is. She just gives you a really great feeling, that feeling that you will be fine no matter what happens. Her number one goal is make you happy, if your happy she's happy.....at least when you are riding her, if you involve cookies in this process, you have another story! I have posted the link to my YouTube videos on the "About" section, there are two videos of Irish up!

On a very exciting note, CLIF IS BACK! I have real problem with attachment, there is no way this horse is ever leaving me, to me he is instant happiness. He is so grown up now (his birthday was the 10th and is now 10 years old! AHH double digits!); he wants a routine and a job, and massive amounts of carrots. He loves going to work everyday...actually it is probably that he loves the process because at the end he knows there are apples, carrots, and cookies waiting (all the ingredients of a well balanced diet). He is coming along well with his rehab, he is now doing light flat work. In the next few weeks he should be back to normal work, with any luck he will head out to Virginia Horse Trials to do his first event back, hopefully Irish will tag along for her first real novice (the jumps will probably be too small for her, but she should probably do some novices before she goes training!)

Enjoy the nice weather for the weekend!
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