I hope everyone is enjoying the nice weather and much needed rain we have been having!
The last week has been filled with cleaning, hanging on for dear life and even a quick vacation!!The clean up after VA HT every year is crazy...the red clay does a number on just about everything from the chairs, to the trunks, to the horses pretty white socks....much cleaning was necessary.
Tess had a much deserved break for the last week,but she is already bored, so she started walking yesterday! She is sooooo very happy about this. It is so funny how much doing the CCI* changed her (or else she changed due to the unknown causes..whatever); she hangs out by herself in the field, she does whatever she wants whenever she wants, it does matter if the horses think it is fun or not (this most certainly did not happen in the past! She was such a groupie!). She also is incredibly cute (big surprise I know!) about everything these days, she lovessssss her cookies and comes when I call her..and if I get Clif out before her, she trots as fast as she can to get to the gate and waits for me in something that resembles patience for being so stupid for not grabbing her first! I am so proud of her for the other week, I think everyone is sick of hearing about it.

Clif also had a few days off last week and walked for the rest of the week. He has now gone back to work as of yesterday! He is so full of it, you would think he had just done the Olympics and I am forcing him back to the low life of a preliminary and intermediate horse-- HA, maybe he should start jumping around those intermediates first! I am not entirely sure what his plan his, he will run a preliminary or two this summer and then we head back out to the big kid play pin in the fall. He just needs to get even more muscle over the summer so he can support this ridiculous spur of the moment spaz attacks.

Last week was also BABY WEEK! I started riding our two babies, Irish and Tuc, who are both unraced TB's and are 3.
Irish is sooooo ridiculously people friendly I want a shock collar to make her go away...just kidding, it is nice to be wanted! She is very sweet and brave; she is still adjusting to why in the world being ridden daily is necessary, but she is LOVING the cookies that follow the riding! Great, I've addicted another one!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuc, I am 100% in love with (just don't tell Clif or Tess, Tess already HATES her), she is Tess's sister and you know it. She has these great floppy ears, I have taken to calling her the next Northern Spy...he he, no high expectations for her or anything :). She is very very smart and has yet to actually get in trouble for bad manners, which with me is seriously impressive, I hate it when my horses are rude.
Lucky for me I also got to go on a 3 day vacation to the lake! It was sooo needed and welcomed. I'm sure the horses appreciated me being gone for once and I appreciated not being stepped on and smelly for 2 days. I have also found the downside of having plants...that stupid miracle grow feeder things...IT WILL NOT WORK RIGHT...I have given up, I'd rather hand water them with diluted fertilizer. I will keep everybody updated on our plans...for now though, my main plan is to not get bucked off the babies!
Take care!
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