I learned some fun facts about my horses this week. Clif will nearly kill himself and you if a frog jumps out of a lake (even if it is the size of a half dollar and nearly terrified of you). Tess thinks everything about her is fun, how could I possibly narrow it down to one thing!? Clif enjoyed his time off. I have been riding him on the flat with a dressage whip this week...eeeek! He is almost unwilling to forgive me, even with cookies, this is a true sign of disaster people! Clif would totally be an underwear model if he were a person..weird comment, but just hang in there for a moment while I explain. I have never seen a horse that will adjust the amount of food they eat on the amount of work they are doing; if he is in normal work he eats his mountain of food in 10 minutes max, but this week while not working, he didn't finish his entire dinner once, and it took him over an hour to manage that! What a strange little horse. Tess is good as well, she is a wild woman these days...at Loudon when she finished XC and I pulled up, she promptly reared and spun back towards the XC..yes I know what your thinking, someone has replaced my horses personality, my thoughts exactly :)! She is jumping like a f-r-e-a-k these days, I need a seatbelt! She is truly the happiest she has been in years, it has taken a long time to undo some seroius anger that girl has bottled up inside!

On a bit of a fun note I will be getting 2 babies this summer! One will hopefully be sold quickly and the other will be my mom's horse...since I maybe, kind of, may have sorta taken Tess from her..opps, although really not thattttttt sorry about it :)! One is just an unraced TB, her name is Irish (which I am not a huge fan of, but it is bad luck to change names!) that my grandparents bred, but does not look as though it will be too quick in the dirt ;). She is super cute and seems to be quite sweet..we shall hope she stays that way! The second baby I am most excited to sit on! Her name is Tuc, she also is a product of Snooty Fox Farm..it is the Princess's half sister, they have the same mama....god help us all. She is very cute though, looks quite a bit like Tess, has that cute face and a bit of a long back (both my horses have long backs, I'm a fan them, they have worked out well for me!). Both of these two have been at a cowboy's for the last month, learning to be ridden and going on trail rides, such is the best thing in the world for babies! I'm excited to get them and will post pic's as soon as I am able to get them from Florida!
This is my LAST week of UNDERGRADUATE COLLEGE EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, I am so excited! I will finish up my last exam on Tuesday, yayyyy! I graduate the following Sunday..super exciting. Tess and Clif would rather I stay in school, they feel as though they see enough of me as it is.
Oh...quick side note! The ponies have been so good this season, I am on the Preliminary Am. Leaderboard as the #1 Preliminary Adult Am. Rider! Pretty Sweet! Clif has actually won 3 out of 5 of his events this year.
Until next time...everyone be smart and wear a helmet (that brain costs a lot of money!)
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